Idealism is what precedes experience; cynicism is what follows...

Friday, August 22, 2008

The other Adobe Flex ACE's in Europe

Among ACE's in Europe within Flex, there are currently 3 others...

They are as follows...

Xavi Beumala from Barcelona... he had just been hired by Adobe Consulting when I last saw him to Flex 360 in Milan. A very sympathetic guy with great talent with the will to bring it far.

Dirk Eismann from Hannover... last i saw him it was at MAX in Barcelona where he was working for Herrlich and Ramuschkat. Extremely skilled and versatile developer which I have the outmost respect for.

Giorgio Natili from Rome... a real trailblazer and a true community leader from central Italy with a community of more than 3000 active users and 100.000 visits every month. I met him last time I was in Italy, a real fire-spirit...

Peter Elst from Belgium... one of the nicest guys in the community and on top of that an innovative and tech-savvy cool guy who contributes more to the community than averages... obviously I am in very good company and I only hope that I some day can grow to match these true icons in the community and contribute as much as the have...


Unknown said...

Hey PAM, congrats. and i see you have adopted the "tech-savvy" expression :)

Peter Andreas Molgaard said...

Thank you Rasmus... and yeah, I guess your right.. and I even got it right the second time - seeing that its spelled savvy :-)

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